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Dog House coming to 21st & Broad Streets
04/16/2006 8:29 PM by John M
So it looks like the biker bar The Dog House is coming soon to 21st Street at the site of the old Imperial Broom Company.
PHOTOS: TOP by creechdawg / BELOW by 100wordminimum
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I used to work at Cafe Gutenberg, across from the Dog House’s current digs. Those guys can be very loud…
Considering the types of bars and other establishments that could come to the area, this one is really not that bad.
Most people in Shockoe Bottom are sad to see them leaving. The intimdating image of the customers often helped keep the peace down there. It could actually be a very good thing to have them at the new location.
I agree with the above statement. The troubles in the bottom are usually caused by the club across the street and people that do not fit the dress codes to get into the other clubs. I, for one, will attend the grand opening.
what’s going into the space they’re vacating?
I don’t know. I’m sure that space will need some work. Doghouse has been there for a while. There’s the urban clothing store that appears and disappears every few years opening next door.
my bizness is in the subterranean portion of the old Imperial Broom co. and still I wish these guys well. They seem to want to do right….no drugs and no major stupidness seems to be the policy.UNfortunately I think the neighbors arent happy about the new neighbors as someone has already sicced the building inspectors on them( a complaint from the neighbors so it’s said) and now things have stopped due to a complaint about the painting on the front not being in keeping with the Old and Historical limitations of the area. Time will tell what happens to the Dogs.
Word is that this move is back on, and they should be in their place in September.