Tricycle Gardens looking for plumbing help
Everyone’s favorite community garden, Tricycle Gardens, is helping another community garden in Carver get started. They’re off to a great start, but now need a bit of help – the city has agreed to waive the $2000 connection fee to the water main, but they need the help of a plumber to install the required backflow repeater,spigot, and etc. so that they can actually use the water from the connection.
It seems like this is a job that is out of reach for your average DIY’er but someone who has advanced plumbing knowledge (or actually works as a plumber) could do it. The quote that they recieved was around $3500 for parts and labor. is there anyone who’s willing to help them do it for less?
Please contact Lisa Taranto ( for more info.
TAGGED: Lisa Taranto