
Orienteering this Saturday at Chimborazo Park

02/17/2009 5:00 AM by

The Quantico Orienteering Club will be holding an event this Saturday, February 21, at Chimborazo Park. Registration is from noon till 2PM. Contact Tim Gilbert at for more info. Wikipedia describes orienteering as:

… a family of sports that require navigational skills using a map and compass to navigate from point to point in diverse and usually unfamiliar terrain. Participants are given a map, usually a specially prepared orienteering map, which they use to find control points.

The Quantico Orienteering Club (Virginia, Maryland and District of Columbia) gives some background:

Orienteering was incorporated into the curriculum of the Marine Corps Physical Fitness Academy at Quantico, Virginia in the summer of 1967. Soon thereafter Marines at Quantico from outside the Academy took up orienteering primarily to form teams to compete against other military services as well as in international military orienteering competitions. In 1970, the Quantico orienteers organized into a club and included interested parties from outside the base. Gradually the club evolved into a community based organization and severed its official ties to the Marine Corps Base, Quantico. The club name remains because of its rich tradition as the leader in the founding of the United States Orienteering Federation.

Quantico Orienteering Club events always include a course suitable for beginners. Registration is usually open from noon to 2 pm EDT or 11 am to 1 pm EST; beginner’s instruction is the first half hour. Regular registration fees are $6 for individual club members and visitors who are members of USOF or other clubs with reciprocal agreement with QOC, and $10 for non-members. For each additional map that a group used, there is a charge of four dollars.

To join the Club… ask at an event for more information. We will need the following information from all members: Name, Address (street, city, state, zip), Home Phone, Work Phone, E-Mail Address, Date Joined, and additional family names if a family membership. Membership fees are $20.00 per individual for 12 months or $30 for family.



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