
Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club’s annual For You I Will Ball

04/22/2010 9:15 AM by

The Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club will hold its annual Teen Etiquette and Abstinence “For You I Will” Ball on the evening of Friday, April 30 from 6-10PM at The Robinson Theater.

This ball is the culmination of an 8-week “For You I Will” program at The Club that aims to teach teenagers about building healthy relationships, marriages and families through open group discussions, guest speakers, and engaging exercises; “planting the seed of promise for a lifetime of joy and fulfillment for tomorrow.”

Each week, the issues facing today’s youth are addressed and topics range from self-image to boundaries to peer pressure with the ultimate goal and hope that the program will equip Club youth with the necessary skills that will enable them to avoid common mistakes and correct the misconceptions of sex and relationships. The positive and beneficial choice of abstinence is also a “For You I Will” program topic.

“Our hope is that this program will help play a role in lowering teen pregnancies and STD transmission in our neighborhood,” said Paul Granger, The Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club Teen Director, “and we also hope to increase healthy life choices and create stronger family units.”

The teens enrolled in the Club’s program are given the freedom to openly discuss the different topics as a moderator guides the dialogue with sessions such as; “Respect yourself: Self-image, integrity, boundaries,” “Respect others: Group Discussion,” and “Can you really not have sex before marriage?”

“We encourage them to remain involved in the Club, so that staff and peers can continue to encourage them and hold them accountable as they practice a healthy lifestyle during a time when the opposite is glorified,” added Granger.

The program concludes this year with the “For You I Will” Ball where the teens will enjoy a catered meal, dancing and the King and Queen on the Ball awards presentation.

Prior to the event, ten Club teens that have shown commitment throughout the duration of the 8-week program will be rewarded with a limousine ride, concluding at the Ball with their very own red carpet entry.

For more information about The Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club, please contact Hugh Jones, Executive Director, at (804) 591-3831.



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