UHCA Spring Garden Party & Elections tonight
The Union Hill Civic Association Spring Garden Party & Elections (with special guest Delegate Jennifer McClellan), originally scheduled for the Tricycle Gardens’ Jefferson Avenue Garden, will instead take place tonight at 7PM at 2241 Venable Street due to the weather.
Please join your friends and neighbors in Union Hill this coming Wednesday, May 19th. Because we will induct our incoming president, Brody Reid, and other new officers that day we thought it would fitting to toast them. We will also thank our outgoing officers for their year of service to our community. Our state delegate, Jennifer McClellan, is our honored guest and will also update us on her legislative work on our behalf.
The following offices are open: Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and 2 At-large Directors who will serve a term of two years each. To hold office or vote you must have paid dues or pledged service in lieu of dues since January 1, 2010. If you have not done so, please do so now by using the secure PayPal options below.
Dues are $20 per person or $25 per household. Every dollar stays in our neighborhood and is used to support community outreach, projects, and tree planting to make Union Hill an even better place to live, work, worship and raise a family.
The yard at 2241 Venable Street was voted the 2009 garden of the year in Church Hill. It is worth the trip just to see and enjoy the green space. Hope a lot of folks can make it!