Joel Cabot on Power Outage on the Hill
Eric S. Huffstutler on What is up with the Church Hill Post Office?
Eric S. Huffstutler on What is up with the Church Hill Post Office?
Yvette Cannon on What is up with the Church Hill Post Office?
crd on Power Outage on the Hill
Council to consider Martin Luther King Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Project
10/23/2011 6:15 AM by John M
The agenda for the October 24 City Council meeting (PDF) includes the following:
Res. No. 2011-R114 (Patron: Mayor Jones) – To request the Virginia Department of Transportation to program the Martin Luther King Bridge Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Project and to authorize the Chief Administrative Officer *** to execute all the necessary agreements *** relating to said project.
so, would the removal of the third lane widen the pedestrian walk way to a bike lane as well? The barrier would be 6 feet including the trees, or without? Seems closing off the view in that area would not be a positive thing. A 6′ wall that prevented police from seeing what is on the other side of the wall invites problems, IMO.
I hope this passes though. A move in the right direction for bike safety.
I’m pretty sure that they will be 6′ wide or 6′ long, not 6′ high.
i called cynthia newbilles office to explore the possibility of adding more trash cans to the walkway to make it easier to pick up trash. currently there is no trash can other than one at each END of the bridge. not a lot of interest and no call back when i asked for a return call. ms. newbille seems to respond only if there is some media opportunity. does the new plan qualify as a photo op? hey i also noticed the new electronic sign at cedar street baptist. i guess that old and historic district crap only matters when its time to narc out a neighbor huh?or if you VOTED for the district!way to enforce those regulations evenly guys!