
Vacant houses in Richmond: where are they and who owns them?

01/20/2013 11:37 AM by

The Vacant House Registry for Richmond, Virginia for January 2013 has 1,370 properties listed.

Earlier version of the city’s list of vacant houses were used to power Vacant Richmond before they went off the air. Richmond Slumlord Watch gave a look into who owned some of the vacants around the city while it was up and running. The topic has been enough of an issue that we even have a tag for “vacant” to help tie together all of the stories that have come up. It was a story about a vacant house that originally put CHPN on a lot of folks’ radar.

While there are vacants in much of the city, there are noticeably higher densities of vacant houses in North Highland Park, a band across Fairmount/Church Hill North, and Southside east of Jeff Davis Highway. A mapping of the owners of the vacant houses gives a more evenly distributed picture across the entire metro region (with a surprising number of out-of-state owners). Also, a large number of the vacant house listings provide the address of the vacant house as the address of the owner.

Vacant Houses in Richmond, VA (January 2013) [VIEW LARGER]
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Owners of Vacant Houses in Richmond, VA (January 2013) [VIEW LARGER]
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