
Can you host a painter for Plein Air Richmond?

04/15/2013 6:30 AM by

Via the Church Hill Association:

Plein Air Richmond

Greetings to Church Hill from the Organizers,

Plein Air Richmond is an exciting juried paint out coming to Richmond, Virginia June 9th through June 15, 2013.

We are looking for selected host families to house the visiting artists during their stay in Richmond. These artists are coming from all across the United States and have been selected through an extensive jurying process. They are very talented artists and we would be thrilled to have them staying in Church Hill, a community so rich in the history of our city.

The artists will arrive Sunday, June 9th. They will arrive at their host home after first checking in at Brazier Gallery in late afternoon/early evening. From Monday, June 10th through Saturday, June 15th the artists will be out painting daily. Most artists will depart after the “Fast and Fresh” event which ends at 12:00 pm that Saturday, June 15th.

Plein Air artists are typically early risers as they like to be out painting first thing for the best light of the day. As a host, you are not responsible for providing meals for your guest, but you may do what you wish. (Usually host families offer coffee and a “snack” before the artist heads out for a day of painting). They will paint until the light fades and then they will have supper afterwards with their colleagues so there is no expectations that you will need to “entertain them” in the evening. Our experience last year was that both the hosts and the artists really enjoyed the experience.

In appreciation of your hospitality it is customary for the artists to leave a small painting with the host family at the end of their stay. We know the artist will appreciate your kindness as much as we do. Thank you for considering this opportunity to welcome so many talented artists into your home and community.

Please email or phone (804)644-6559 for more information.



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