
Bad mowing at Chimborazo Park

08/24/2013 12:03 PM by

The Friends of Chimborazo Park are trying to get some attention put to how badly the city has been mowing the grass at the park:

In the past year hundreds if not thousands of volunteer man hours and thousands of private dollars have gone into improving Chimborazo park. Yet the city still fails to manage this property properly.

The Department of Public Works mowing crews have done an atrocious mowing job that makes the park resemble a badly mowed hayfield instead of a well maintained city park. The grass is cut way too short and the clippings are left lying in the park in huge clumps. Together these two factors will most likely kill off significant amounts of grass. This is not an isolated incident either, but is more the norm and it needs to stop now.

The federal portion of the park is on roughly the same mowing schedule and looks far better. Because their mowing crews mow with care. They go slow, allowing time for the grass to properly mulch. And they set their mower deck heights properly so as to not sheer the grass off at ground level.

As neighbors and frequent users of the park, we have the right to expect better. After all, most other city parks are better maintained. I am contacting the city about this issue. Please join me in raising your voices. Otherwise our park will probably slip back into a state of disrepair. Below are some contact numbers you can use.

Ask public works

DPW’s phone number: ( 804) 646-7000

James A. Jackson – Director DPW

Councilwoman Cynthia Newbille: or email

FYI: there are rumors that the city is going to test a herd of goats as lawn/weed maintenance at Chimborazo Park.



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