Tricycle Gardens lauds Golden Trowel winners, needs volunteers for HQ move
Tricycle Gardens announced their 2013 Golden Trowel awards winners:
Thank you to our sponsors, friends and family who joined us for the 5th Annual Harvest Celebration and Golden Trowel Award Prese. Sally Schwitters, Executive Director of Tricycle Gardens, and Dave Belde, PhD, Senior Vice President of Mission Services of Bon Secours Richmond Health Systems, honored all Golden Trowel nominees and presented the Golden Trowel awards to:
F – Focus on Community Needs: Councilwoman Cynthia Newbille
O – Outreach and Education: Rosa Coleman
O – Opportunities for Healthy Food Access: Dr. Danny Avula
D – Design of Beautiful Spaces: RVA Street Art Festival
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The Farm Stand continues every Thursday:
This week the Farm Stand continues to feature amazing fall vegetables including baby bok choy, Red Russian kale, collard greens, arugula, radishes, lettuces and Swiss chard.
The Farm Stand is held every Thursday at Tricycle Gardens’ HQ (2107 Jefferson Avenue) from 4:00 – 7:00 PM. See you on Thursday!
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Volunteers are needed 11/19 and 11/20 to help with the continuing move:
As Tricycle Gardens finalizes the move of our growing space from our HQ to the Urban Farm, we need your help to:
- transplant perennials
- clean and empty sub-irrigated raised beds
- dismantle the base of the green house
We will be joined by Junk Shuttle, LLC to transport gravel, lumber, plants, etc. We’ll provide snacks, water, gloves and tools.
To sign-up, please click here.