Council to consider Pear Street, random kindness
The agenda for the Monday, April 28, meeting of City Council has a few items of especially significant local interest:
Res. No. 2014-R61 (Patron: Vice President Robertson) – To encourage the citizens of the City of Richmond to practice random acts of kindness, in the spirit of compassion, kindness and goodwill toward all persons.
Ord. No. 2014-71 (Patron: Mayor Jones, By Request) -To close to public use and travel, a portion of right-of-way known as East Cary Street, located in the block bounded by Pear Street, East Main Street, Peach Street and East Dock Street, and consisting of 1,973± square feet, upon certain terms and conditions.
Ord. No. 2014-78 (Patron: Mayor Jones, By Request) – To authorize the special use of the properties known as 2801 East Main Street, a portion of 2823 East Main Street, and a portion of East Cary Street for the purpose of permitting a multifamily dwelling with up to 65 dwelling units and principal uses permitted in the B-5 district, upon certain terms and conditions. Recommendation from the Planning Commission to approve with amendment. (Continue to Tuesday, May 27, 2014 Council meeting)
Res. No. 2014-R61 – does ‘citizens’ to be encouraged include the mayor and council members?
Res. No. 2014-R61 – I am totally against!
I bet the first resolution gets delayed six times and then ends up getting scuttled in a last minute closed door session after citizen complaints.
In all seriousness, this is kind of a dumb resolution. Nobody ever thought the city was against this and it really doesn’t merit whatever time was spent discussing and voting on it.
That and I want them to put midgets back in midget porn!!!!
As of this morning, the agenda has been updated and it looks like both Pear Street items will be continued
Very wise man: