Sector 113 crime report for June
Lt.Blackwell’s Sector 113 report for June (PDF) is now available for all points north of Carrington and Nine Mile.
We have seen an increase of violent crime over the past 28 days. With adjustments to personnel deployments I am sure that we will regain our grip. We did have a 6% decrease in property crime over the past 28 days. This is a win for the sector since we have had a rough year with property crime with the majority of the issues surrounding burglaries and shoplifting. So I am extremely happy to say that we have seen a decrease in both over the past month.
MAJOR CRIMES January 1, 2014 – June 9, 2014
Violent Crime (2014 compared to 2013)
2013: 73
2014: 54
Result: 26% DecreaseProperty Crime (2014 compared to 2013)
2013: 174
2014: 211
Result: 21% IncreaseTOTAL CRIME MAJOR CRIME (2014 compared to 2012)
2013: 247
2014: 265
Result: 7% Increase