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Three people found shot to death on Coalter Street (UPDATED)
02/16/2017 10:35 AM by John M
WRIC8 is reporting that 3 people have been found shot to death in Mosby Court:
Police were called to the scene located at 1329 Coalter Street in the Mosby Court area just before 8:30 a.m.
According to police, a woman and her daughter were shot dead by her boyfriend, who then killed himself.
These are the 12th and 13th homicides in Richmond in 2017, and numbers 2 and 3 for the East End.
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Ended up being a Double Murder Suicide, not a triple homicide
@Bigdaddylongknob – Thanks! text updated
What a pointless waste.
@bigdaddylongknob Crimeinsiders says there still not sure but 8news is jumping the gun. Maybe a retaliation shooting connected to the Raven St killing only days ago. Is Mosby Court the new Gilpin Court?
This is horrific. Those poor children.
These apartments are Fairhill apartments, not Mosby.
How sad for those children- hopefully they have familiar loving faces to take care of them….tragic
@Ano Ali Nobody refers to that area as Fairhill even though that’s the name of the apartments. Hop the fence and your in Mosby courts. In fact most of the people that hangout in that area are from Mosby Courts.
@Jct What do you mean nobody? I know alot of people there who refer to that area as Fairhill, because that’s the name of the apartments-smh I have alot of friends who live in those apartments,and as a matter of fact, I just left there a few weeks ago. What part of the east end your from? Just because it’s beside Mosby, doesn’t mean that it’s Mosby court. I know alot of people who live in Fairhill, and not everyone who lives there hangs in Mosby, or vice versa.Just because people hang in those apartments from Mosby doesn’t make it Mosby. I live in Eastview, a block from Whitcomb court, and I go to Fairhill occasionally. That’s like saying that I live in Whitcomb court, just because people from Whitcomb come into Eastview.I can tell that your new to churchill or don’t know what your talking about.
Ano, seriously look at Google maps, Mosby Court is the area, not just the buildings. Just like how Eastview, Whitcomb and East End have areas. Don’t get so upset over the generalization for an area. Much like Churchill is used for a large swath of the east side of the city, despite there are smaller neighborhoods; Union Hill and Chimborazo don’t even show up for example.
@Ano Ali people only say that when they don’t want to be associated with certain high crime areas. Believe me I know
As a non-native Richmonder, it’s helpful to describe the area accurately because some of the areas are so large but very different; it’s difficult to gain perspective. I really appreciate when folks use Union Hill, Chimborazo, Church Hill or Peter Paul, etc. to describe an area. To me, it’s confusing to refer to everything east of downtown as Church Hill.
The Fan and Museum District don’t seem easily confused although they’re right next to each other.
From the RPD:
Victims Identified in the Oliver Crossing Apartment Complex Fatal Shootings
The Richmond Police Department has identified the three persons who were fatally shot this morning in an apartment in the Oliver Crossing Apartment Complex. They are:
* Shaquenda Walker, 24, of the 1300 block of Coalter St.
* Deborah Walker, 55, of the 1300 block of Coalter St.
*Walter Gaines, III, 23, of the 600 block of Jackson Ave., Henrico
At approximately 8:27 a.m., RPD officers were called to the 1300 block of Coalter Street for a report of several persons down. They quickly located three bodies in an apartment there. All three had been shot. They all were pronounced dead at the scene.
RPD detectives are investigating these shootings as a probable case of murder/suicide. While their investigation is in its early stages, a preliminary analysis of the crime scene indicates the two women were shot by Gaines before he shot himself.
The Medical Examiner will determine the approximate time, cause and manner of their deaths.
Two children of Shaquenda Walker, toddlers under the age of five, were found in the apartment. They have been reunited with family members. Shaquenda Walker was the daughter of Deborah Walker.
RPD detectives are not looking for additional persons at this time in this case. They believe there is no on-going threat to the community.
RPD detectives ask anyone who may have other information about this case to call Major Crimes Detective Rashaan Wigfall at (804) 646-6769 or contact Crime Stoppers at 780-1000 or at or by texting Crime Stoppers at 274637, using the keyword “iTip” followed by your tip.
Submit tips about persons in possession of illegally-held guns by using keyword “GUN250” followed by your tip. Rewards up to $250. All the Crime Stoppers methods are anonymous.
@R Im not upset over a generalization over a comment.What I’m saying is that the name of the apartments is called Fairhills, that’s a fact.I know that it’s beside Mosby court, but it’s technically not Mosby court. Mosby court is not an area, it’s a housing project. Just like Whitcomb court is not an area, it’s an housing project under RRHA. I live in Eastview.Eastview,Union Hill,and Chimborazo are areas.
@Jct I’ve been in the east end for 37 years. I’ve lived in high crime areas my entire life so when you say that I don’t want to be associated with a high crime area, you got me mixed up with someone else. My closet friends live in high crime areas.I can relate to them better. I’m from the “streets”, I’m just older now. This isn’t anything new too me, so please don’t take my comments out of context,or please don’t twist my words. Im not ashamed of being in a high crime areas. I have friends in Whitcomb, Mosby, Eastview, Hillside,etc.I’m a grown man, I’m past those stereotypes and stigma’s you, or anyone else may have about certain neighborhoods.I get along with anybody, regardless of neighborhood. My comments are about the name of the apartments. I understand what your saying about the Fairhill and Mosby name mix-up, I see people doing that all of the time. But the fact of the matter is, the name of the apartments are Fairhill, not Mosby court.I understand that it’s right beside Mosby, I know that, but Mosby court is an Housing project under RRHA.
@john Well they must of changed the name to oliver hill crossing
@Ano – I think so, Fairhills (as a name) was getting some bad press
The name changed about 2012. Sorry to hear this. That area must have been cursed… so many deaths…
Unfortunately “Mosby Court” has been generalized as a “community” rather than an apartment complex. But I am a bit surprised because you really don’t hear about crime there and it always look well kept.
What is the worst part about this is that neighbors heard the gunshots but ignored it. And the children who were in the apartment for days with the corpses, one being their mother… without food and possibly sanitation, depending on age. And also depending on age, how scared for life they will be from this horror? 🙁
The bf killed them and the kids were in the house with the bodies since Valentine’s Day or the 15th so glad he didn’t hurt the kids they’re sweethearts rest easy ladies
I want to know, given his criminal history why he was out of prison, 1st time, violent felony, 10 yr sentence, 8 suspended, released and then violated with another felony which should have sent him back for the 8 yr suspended. He ended up with 7 yrs, 8months of that suspended. Catch and release and this is what happens. There is no reason for it… well, there is but I won’t go down that road. So sorry for the children involved.
It’s a real tragedy, and my heart goes out to the families involved.
@#21, you raise up a good question. We need to change how we use prisons.
I’ve been surprised to see the real lack of punishment for many of the criminals caught and convicted for violent and other serious crimes around here in the last 5 years.
We’ve had some really misguided prison policies in the past, but this is also hurting our communities.
From the RPD:
The Richmond Police Department has determined an approximate time of death in the fatal shootings last week at the Oliver Crossing Apartment Complex.
RPD Detectives believe the shootings occurred approximately 24 hours before the bodies of Shaquenda Walker, Deborah Walker and Walter Gaines, III were found the morning of February 16th and that they occurred in quick succession with Gaines shooting the two females before turning the gun on himself. They used findings from the Medical Examiner, interviews with family members and phone records to establish that estimate.
The two children under the age of five who were found unharmed in the apartment have been placed with family members. At last report, they were doing well considering the circumstances.
At approximately 8:27 a.m., Thursday, February 16, RPD officers were called to the 1300 block of Coalter Street for a report of several persons down. They quickly located three bodies in an apartment there. All three had been shot. They all were pronounced dead at the scene.
RPD detectives are not looking for additional persons at this time in this case. They believe there is no on-going threat to the community.
RPD detectives ask anyone who may have other information about this case to call Major Crimes Detective Rashaan Wigfall at (804) 646-6769 or contact Crime Stoppers at 780-1000 or at or by texting Crime Stoppers at 274637, using the keyword “iTip” followed by your tip.