Eric S. Huffstutler on What is up with the Church Hill Post Office?
Eric S. Huffstutler on What is up with the Church Hill Post Office?
Yvette Cannon on What is up with the Church Hill Post Office?
crd on Power Outage on the Hill

City Council to consider Pear Street, 29th Street Bike Boulevard
02/26/2017 8:28 AM by John M
There are a few local items the agenda for the Monday, February 26, 2017 meeting of City Council:
- ORD. 2015-245 To conditionally rezone the property known as 2801 East Main Street from the M-1 Light Industrial District to the B-5 Central Business District, upon certain proffered conditions.
- ORD. 2017-009 To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer, for and on behalf of the City of Richmond, to execute a Standard Project Administration Agreement between the City of Richmond and the Virginia Department of Transportation to provide funding for the 29th Street Bike Walk Boulevard project.
- RES. 2017-R011 To designate the properties known as 1501 North 31st Street and 1611 North 31st Street as a revitalization area pursuant to Va. Code § 36-55.30:2.