
2018 Recycling Schedule

12/30/2017 9:00 AM by

If you’re like me, you may sometimes forget when recycling comes into your part of the neighborhood. Remember, you can go visit to sign up for free email reminders or for collection delay information due to a holiday or inclement weather. You can find the schedule here.

Speaking of recycling…1 Can 2 Cans? How much recycling do you produce?

When you find yourself with so much recycling, what do you do? The Church Hill Neighborhood Group on Facebook came up with some solutions:

1. Excess between pickups? The City Recycle Bin in the LaDiff parking lot at Dock Street may be an option for broken down boxes (Still checking on this one)

2. Change your mindset- avoid packaging intensive products- buy in bulk and use re-usable containers. This one requires a change in perspective and a longer-term solution. How do you balance convenience with efficiency?

3. Order an extra can. It’s not free but totally worth it! Spray paint your house number on it and hide it in an unseen space between pickups if you fear it will be stolen.

What do you suggest? What has worked well for your household?



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