Church Hill North – old and historic?
Sunday’s RTD has a long article about the move to get Church Hill North official “old and historic” designation.
From the article:
The area — from North 21st Street to the alley east of North 29th Street bounded by Jefferson Avenue and N Street to East Broad and Marshall streets — involves about 500 properties.
“There’s been a real surge in development in the neighborhood,” said Laura Daab, a resident who is spearheading the historic-designation efforts. “We have seen a lot of thoughtless development and not very skilled new development.”
Any changes to the exterior, including paint color, would need approval. Interior changes would not be regulated by the designation.
Current exterior colors would be grandfathered in, meaning that a purple, vinyl house could stay that way, Daab said. Any new exterior colors or sidings would be reviewed.
City Councilwoman Delores McQuinn, who represents the Church Hill area, said she would support the initiative if the majority of residents are in favor of it.
That said, “there are people who have been living there forever and they are not interested in living in a historic district because of compliance issues.”
To find out more about this, check out the Church Hill North Historic District Yahoo Group.
If you live in the proposed area and are for the designation, or know someone who is, please call or email Delores McQuinn, our Council Rep and tell her you support the designation. Her contact info is or 646-5429.
The historic designation survey has been mailed and most of you living in the proposed boundaries should have received it by now.
PLEASE fill out the survey supporting the designation and drop in the mail ASAP. As you know, YOUR RESPONSE IS CRUCIAL to the outcome of the designation!
May I ask: Perhaps I have my geography wrong, but why was ‘the alley east of N 29th St’ chosen as a boundary instead of designating the entire block?
Gerry Golden
600 N 30th St