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Zoning meeting set for Thursday
03/22/2009 6:00 AM by John M
According to an email going around, there will be a meeting on Thursday, March 26 at 6:30PM at Asbury Methodist Church (324 North 29th Street) “for those opposed to the proposed R63 zoning for Church Hill North and Chimborazo neighborhoods”. Tarisa Griffith from the Department of Community Development will be there to present the city’s originally proposed zoning map for the area (PDF).
So, the meeting is for those opposed to the re-zoning? I am not opposed to the rezoning, (I think) but would like more information about the our current zoning and the impact of not rezoning. Is there a contact number for the meeting? Is it sponsored by Department of Community Development?
Have heard of but not seen flyers for this that say:
Meeting location has been changed to EDI building at 25th and M Streets. First floor, 6:30 p.m.
I don’t know anything about low income apartments as part of the discussion, have not heard anything about that.