Joel Cabot on Power Outage on the Hill
Eric S. Huffstutler on What is up with the Church Hill Post Office?
Eric S. Huffstutler on What is up with the Church Hill Post Office?
Yvette Cannon on What is up with the Church Hill Post Office?
crd on Power Outage on the Hill
Worssam throws her hat in the ring?
08/09/2009 1:06 PM by John M
A reader writes in with word of a fourth candidate in the race for the City Council 7th District seat:
Carolyn Worssam, owner of Church Hill Herbs on 25th and Marshall [and Chimborazo Blvd. resident], is circulating petitions [to get on the ballot] for the 7th district seat on City Council.
Is this the same Carolyn Worssam
is that rick the pedofile?
Is that some sort of terrible joke, James? Are you trying to be funny or just divert attention/credibility from a valid question?
Given that the twitter site says Carolyn Worssam, it appears to be valid. And given that Ms Worssam is hoping to get on the 7th district’s ballot in the East End, I would think that her constituents may (favorably or not) be interested to know that she posted “I am frustrated and angry about what our government is doing to us the citizens of this country.” if indeed this is her twitter site. Or are twitter statements off limits?
Carolyn Worssam said last night that she will *not* be seeking the 7th District seat, and confirmed that the link above is her twitter account.