Oakwood/Chimborazo Civic Association meeting set for Wednesday
The newly formed Oakwood/Chimborazo Civic Association will be having their initial meeting on Wednesday, September 30 at 6:30PM at the Boys and Girls Club at 3701 R Street. The group is working to re-establish this association to help improve the community. Please come prepared to discuss changes to the neighborhood, future elections and the association structure.
The organizers of the meeting have chosen to define the boundaries for the new organization as Leigh Street to 31st Street to Q Street then up Oakwood to Richmond Road to 39th Street. These coincide with some other groups who also claim the 31st Street boundary, but the consensus was that it should have it bigger so that people can choose with which group they would like to be involved.
I’m looking forward to being there.
Me too. It’s refreshing to see so many people concerned about their community.