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Agenda for the 9/28 CAR meeting
09/14/2010 1:15 PM by John M
The agenda for the September 28 Commission of Architectural Review meeting (PDF) lists a number of projects in the area: 323 N 20TH ST Construct new egress and exterior stair; 200 N 22ND ST Install new chiller; 1805-09 E BROAD ST Revise stoop and canopy detail; 2301 CEDAR ST Install LED message board on monument sign; 2200 E BROAD ST Reconstruct front balcony to documented original configuration; 609 N 22ND ST Construct new residence; 719 N 22ND ST Construct new duplex; 2704 E GRACE ST Repair/restore porch and roof; 310 N 33RD ST Modify building exterior and create surface parking.