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Tires slashed overnight on 26th Street
09/25/2010 12:15 PM by John M
A message out today from the Church Hill Crime Watch:
Sometime after 1:00 AM this morning, October 25th, five or more vehicles on the western side of the 100 and 200 blocks of North 26th Street had their tires slashed.
This is pure vandalism. It appears they walked along the sidewalk and slashed the tires on the passenger side. If you see any person or group of persons in the neighborhood, at any time, who look suspicious, please call 911 immediately and give good descriptions and then call crime watch at 648-2710. Thanks for your help.
When I first read this, my eyes saw “trees slashed” and I freaked out. I’m not saying this isn’t a ridiculous crime, but thankfully the trees are still safe.
Someone doesn’t know what month it is.
I had another email from Shelby, there were several car windows broken out last night near 28th and Broad. I don’t think she put out another crime watch email about it, though.
There were also a few cars (mine included) that were egged the night of the 24th. This happened on the 2400 block of Franklin street. Granted, this isn’t nearly as serious as slashed tires, but it is still unacceptable behavior.
George #4, actually I had my car egged years ago and it ruined the finish. If it happened now, I’d consider it serious.
The 24th was just Friday. When was the bb gun stuff, was that last weekend? I’m really fed up with all this vandalism but don’t know what the cure is.
does anyone else think it’s funny that this sort of stuff is happening in the ‘nice’ part of church hill- and no one is piping up about how sketchy THIS neighborhood is! what a double standard!
if this had happened up near 33rd & broad (or those parts) everyone would be shouting from the hilltops on what a trashy and unsafe neighborhood it is!
talk about a double standard…geesh!
The BB gun incident happened Friday night/Saturday morning last week.
If anybody sees a suspicious situation/individual late at night or early in the morning, call the police immediately.
I have a funny feeling these crimes are being committed by young people…I could be wrong.
ecochick, the vandalism is not funny and neither are the inadequate sidewalk repairs at 33rd and Broad. We’re all in this together.
Yes def. done by young people. I figured things would be more calm now that school is back in session. Its tough to catch these people because of the random acts. Everyone needs to keep eye out but overall I am very satisfied with the overall living quality. To response (5) that is terrible about the eggs taking the finish off of your car. Ive never heard of that before, but im sure eggs can causse some damage.
Can we be more careful about the language we use? What exactly does a “person or group of persons… who look suspicious,” actually look like? I hope you mean people who act suspiciously. Otherwise we’re just reinforcing preconceived stereotypes (of any nature) and judging people by their looks and not their actions or the content of their character.
Someone who has never been accused of looking suspicious
I don’t think it’s a double standard at all – it’s pretty clear that the individuals doing it do not live where the crimes are occurring. Unfortunately, it is the proximity to the ‘sketchy’ areas that allows this to happen.
Jon, have you never seen a person or group of people acting suspiciously?? Do CH a favor and call the police if you see anything suspicious. Thanks, bud.
I have in fact. But acting suspicious and looking suspicious are two different things.
@6 No one is calling the area around 26th and Broad sketchy…because it’s not. The homes in this area are generally well maintained and the surrounding streets are kept clean. There are no seedy peeps just hanging around… Unfortunately, many of the unsavory thugs traveling north have to pass through the “nice” part of CH. More likely than not, the perps don’t reside in the “nice” part of the hood. There’s no double-standard….just telling it like it is. The Blue Wheeler wouldn’t survive SOB.
Jon, I apologize. I misread your initial comment. I meant to say “act.” I’m definitely not advocating for any stereotyping…
Another Friday night is fast-approaching…
@ Luke and Laura (anyone else catch the General Hospital reference there?)- how do you KNOW the vandalism isn’t by people in that part of the community? Others feel it is children/teenagers so are you both saying that only children/teenagers from the “bad” part of town vandalize cars and personal property? Teenagers from all walks of life do dumb things like this it’s not just a black/low-income/bad neighborhood kind of an activity. Your prejudice is showing…
It could be a leprechaun…
@16 I said nothing about children or teenagers. Although, this type of crime would not be atypical for teenagers. I would highly doubt that it was a teenager south of broad since there are so few of them…I can count them on 2 hands.
@16-If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck……
I’d bet on teens who have nothing better to do, and it doesn’t matter what race they are, they’re creating a problem. They could even be bored kids driving in from the far west end. But at least the tire slashings happened on foot, maybe the other things too but that’s hard to tell.
Before you get into race issues, rememember that Mongo the cop who used to patrol up here was killed by a white thirty something on a suicide by cop mission in 1998. I was here then, and I knew Mongo well, and I remember the next day, before the entire story came out, someone calling me and making assumptions, and we both tried to be oh so politically correct, but it turned out to be something totally different.
#19 – so a DUCK did all this? Don’t you mean a hoodlum teenage duck? With a bb gun and/or knife? Intent on property damage in a relatively (for Church Hill) non-dicey area? (incidents at 26th and Broad, down 26th to Grace or further south, 24th & Franklin, 28th and Broad, 22nd and Grace).
I don’t think race matters, but bored teens creating damage do, and I hope they are apprehended soon. #8, I agree, we are all in this together. To take that a little further, we should all care whether it’s south of Broad or up on M Street or points north.
I still think it’s a leprechaun…
A friend living in the 100-200 block of 27th between Franklin and Grace emailed me this morning and said that her tire had been slashed this weekend (of Oct 2-3) as well.
Two weekends in a row is a coincidence. Three weekends in a row is not a coincidence. I think we have a serial vandal on our hands…
We need a neighborhood super-hero.
@ Laura- I know you didn’t say it was children/teenagers. I said “others have said…”.
@20- my thoughts exactly. Bored teenagers come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
Isn’t there a crime watch in this neighborhood? Or better yet, what about the police? I’m surprised neither of them are keeping a closer eye on that area.
Like I said, we need a super-hero to watch over the neighborhood while we sleep.
Highland Park has the Guardian Angels on patrol now.
One of my husband’s tires had nails in the sidewall on Sunday. No way it was something he hit. I assume “they” used a nail gun and it must have happened Saturday night/Sunday morning.
Somebody would have heard the compressor had a nail gun been used…
#26 Brilliant!!
Lucky Dog… what street/block?
What exactly does a “person or group of persons… who look suspicious,” actually look like?
That’s in the eye of the beholder. If your gut tells you it doesn’t look, act or feel right, I say go with that and call the cops. It it’s not a problem, then no harm, no foul.
While you’re debating whether you are a good liberal or not, somebody or something is getting hurt or damaged.
Low blow, P Hammond. But I tend to agree with you that being politically correct is somewhat overrated.
@28 Not all nail guns require a compressor.
#27 Lucky Dog, do you and husband live in the area of 26th/27th and Broad, Grace and Franklin, etc. thus falling in the pattern of tire vandalism? I’m just curious, is why I asked. Also, did you call the cops? I hope so, as they really need to hear from everyone about this. If you didn’t call, why not do so now, so at least you get on their list (hopefully they have one!) of car vandalism.
#22 katzenjaammer, ditto, if you friend didn’t call the cops, please encourage her to do so now.
#30 P Hammond, I agree with you. Unfortunately I’m not out walking my block at midnight or after when this seems to be happening.
Seems the vandals are back. There was a car window broken out sometime during the night last night, Saturday, Nov. 6 or early in the hours of Sunday morning. It was parked in the back parking lot of the Belfry Condos at 26th and Broad Streets.
Nothing was taken out of the car, although the after-market stereo could have been popped out but wasn’t. The glove box was trashed but nothing taken. A backpack was left on the ground next to the car and contained weird stuff such as a baseball glove and trash items as if maybe it belonged to a homeless person. Cops are here now talking to the owner of the car.