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Agenda for the 3/22 CAR meeting
03/11/2011 6:25 AM by John M
The agenda for the March 22, 2011, meeting of the Committee of Architectural Review (PDF) includes a number of projects in the area: 623 N 25TH ST Replace rear door; 1805-09 E BROAD ST Install sign at rear entrance; 2211 JEFFERSON AVE Implement interim measures to abate violations; 2617 E FRANKLIN ST Replace vinyl attic windows; 2711 E BROAD ST Rebuild existing non-original rear porches; 2515 E CLAY ST Remove chimney; 312 N 29TH ST Install parking area, patios and fencing; 504-510 N 28TH ST Construct four new row houses; 715 N 26TH ST Remove awnings, repair and limited in-kind replacement, construct faux exterior chimney chase.