Mosby Spartans knocking it out of the park
Urban Views Weekly has a great look at the Mosby Spartans baseball club and their coach Lawrence Day:
Decked out in their gray and yellow uniforms and gloves, bat, and ball in hand, the Mosby Spartans baseball team are ready to put on a good game, playing the national pastime of baseball. The team practices weekly at Lucks Field in Battery Park, an area in Richmond that is all too familiar with the game of baseball, or until four years ago, used to be.
Four years ago, Coach Lawrence Day had a mission and vision of bringing baseball back to Church Hill. It started with spreading the word, knocking on doors, getting young boys signed up, the community on board, and excited to play and support the game of baseball. The Mosby Spartans include children from Fairfield and Mosby housing projects in the city of Richmond.
“Forty years ago, baseball is all I knew. Anyone over 40 years old would tell you, all you had to do was to go to church, school, and play baseball”, says Coach Lawrence Day.