
Church Hill Holiday House Tour this Sunday

12/02/2013 2:30 AM by

Events are scheduled Friday through Sunday as part of the Church Hill Holiday Weekend:


The Vespers and Candlelight Walk will start at 7 PM on Friday, December 6:

Join us for a brief service at Historic St. John’s Church where Patrick Henry gave his “Give me liberty or give me death” speech followed by a Candlelight Walk through the neighborhood accompanied by bagpipers and concluding with caroling at the Sailors and Soldiers Monument at Libby Hill Park. Free of charge.


A perfect outing to inspire the holiday spirit, the Church Hill Holiday House Tour will be on Sunday, December 8, from noon until 5 PM. Stroll down cobblestone streets into the past with horse drawn carriages and carolers in period costume. Ten restored historic homes from the mid-1800s to turn-of-the-last-century will be beautifully decorated and offer a variety of interiors from classic to contemporary.

Tickets for the house tour will be $20 in advance/$25 the day of the tour. Tickets can be purchased online at or in person at WPA Bakery, The Hill Cafe, Patrick Henry, Captain Buzzy’s, and Hampton House (5807 Patterson).

The weekend also includes music at St. John’s Church at 1:15 PM, the re-enactment of Patrick Henry’s speech at 1:45 PM, and a visit by Vintage Santa from 2:30 – 4:30 PM in the parish hall.

Court End Christmas Tour is also going on at the same time and provides a great extension to a day of holiday fun. A free shuttle will run between St. Patrick’s Church at 215 North 25th Street and Court End Christmas.



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