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Missing a collie dog?
01/26/2014 10:09 AM by John M
My fiance saw a white, collie-like dog with big brown spots on Cedar this morning walking away from 25th street, across the baseball field, towards 29th Street.
The dog did not have a collar. When he tried to call to the dog, it seemed friendly but didn’t want to come over.
I’m not sure if this is helpful but I hope so! Any thoughts on what to do in this situation if we can’t get the dog to come to us?
TAGGED: pets
Just saw this dog on the corner of M and 31st at 5pm today
The dog you are referring to has been running around the area by Holy Rosary between Q & S..he is afraid of people. I leave food in my backyard for him…he is harmless, he may have an owner because he doesn’t see hungry..he loves my dog, he is afraid of humans but can you blame him!!