Council to consider easement for Capital Trail, CAR appointee
The agenda for the Monday, January 27 Formal Meeting of City Council (PDF) includes two items of specific local interest. The agenda is subject to change during the Informal Meeting prior to the Formal Meeting:
Ord. No. 2013-251 (Patron: Mayor Jones) – To declare that a public necessity exists for and to authorize the acquisition by gift from USP Echo Harbour LLC of [permanent and] temporary easements on the properties identified as 3011 Dock Street and 3021 Dock Street for the public purpose of the construction of the Virginia Capital Trail Project. (As Amended)
Res. No. 2013-R226 (Patron: All Members of Council) – To appoint Nathan Hughes as a member of the Commission of Architectural Review (Richmond Association of Realtors nominee) for a term commencing upon adoption of this resolution and terminating Jul. 31, 2014, succeeding Edward R. Andrews.