PSA: Lock your bikes up everywhere
So I just witnessed what I believe was a bike theft in my neighbors’ fenced yard. They are all either at work or school and I don’t have a contact for them.
The officer said they would keep an eye out but there was not much that could be done until they report the bike stolen.
He was leaving the alley of the 500 block between 25th and 24th streets. The stolen bike is black with gold or yellow lettering. Not sure what it said.
The man that took it was black with plain black pants and a white short sleeve t shirt. He had short black shaven hair. No other significant features. He was heading north towards leigh from the alley.
Maybe you could put the word out about the bike. Its just kills me that you can’t leave for work and come home knowing you bicycle will still be in your fenced in yard.
My bike was also stolen from the 300 block of between 24th and 25th. A sad day for bikes.
Someone in my building on Marshall between 24 th and 25th had a bike stolen from the second floor foyer. Very concentrated area with a lot of bikes getting gacked.
Technology is catching up if you have the $130 to drop . Pretty cool gadget though . Geo-fencing is quite cool.
Bell pocket u-locks are only $10 on Amazon and at some Wal-Mart’s. If you don’t have a lock, you won’t have a bike.
Last summer someone did steal the seat off my bike…just the seat, and just off of mine, despite the fact that my husband’s and kids’ bikes were all chained up together. Feel free to insert vaguely dirty joke here…
“@DrewTJackson – Had bike stolen off deck in alley between 27/28th just south of broad. Grey/Silver LeMond road bike. @chpn . Let me know if anyone spots it”
Here is a picture of it /Users/tambreechapman/Pictures/iPhoto Library.photolibrary/Masters/2014/06/30/20140630-143230/photo.JPG
There is a device for about $100.00 that has 4 little chips that you attach to items you tend to lose. Example, car keys, remote, purse. You can have it down loaded into your smart phone and program it to chirp or…
In the case of an item such as a bike it will show you where it is via the GPS app apparently within 100 feet.
Jean, do you have a website to buy these chips?
No. I saw them on a segment of gadgets on the Today show this morning. I will be buying some for my stroller and other stuff, but have not researched where they are available yet.
I think they might solve more than one neighborhood problem!
Here is the piece, I went to The Today Show website. Have not read the article yet, so don’t know if it’s applicable.
Even a good kryptonite lock didn’t deter a potential bike heist. Last night (July 8) between 10pm and 6am, somebody tried to bust the lock on my bike. It was chained to heavy porch furniture. The thief gave up–but mangled the lock so badly I had to charm Danielle at Cyclus into coming over for the final hack. The lesson: bring your bikes inside at night.
bike lock cut today between 3pm and 9pm on Princess Anne across from Jefferson Park. Gray Nishiki mountain bike. 21 speeds. nice rat trap and black metal front basket. Front and rear flashing lights. Some one’s out there with my sweet ride. Damn it! She was locked up, too.