
July newsletter from the Church Hill Association

07/10/2014 9:44 AM by

The July newsletter from the Church Hill Association is out on doorsteps and the usual spots around the neighborhood.

Includes: a call for submissions, a back & forth re the CHA and development, crime prevention tips, real estate market news by Jeanne Bridgforth, photos from the June 17 picnic, minutes from the last meeting, and a history of baseball in the area by Eric Huffstutler:

Many local Amateur and Semipro games were played here with team names like the Church Hill Brownies (one of the first), Church Hill Giants, Church Hill Cremos, Church Hill Invincibles, Church Hill Stars (early black team), Church Hill Sluggers, Church Hill Blue Sox, and the Intercity semipro Church Hill Hilltoppers team. Some local leagues were the Church Hill Athletic Club 1900-1909, Church Hill League 1909-1911, and the East End League 1911-1952. The Intercity Semipro Baseball League lasted from 1932-1952.

The next CHA Membership Meeting will be Tuesday, July 15, 7:00 pm at St. John’s Church Parish Hall.



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