Can you sponsor a dumpster load at East End Cemetery?
Via East End Cemetery Clean Up & Restoration Project:
Friends of the East End Cemetery clean up, we have a challenge.
For the past 8 months, Gillies Creek Recycling has generously donated the use of a dumpster out at East End Cemetery. With that dumpster we were able to clean up our big brush pile and then move ahead and get a big area cleared. For financial reasons, Gillies Creek Recycling can no longer let us use the dumpster for free.
We can still use the dumpster but it will now cost us $75 each time it is emptied as long it contains only brush/vegetation. The $75 is a very reasonable rate for the use of a dumpster.
Right now I have funding for at least 4 dumpster loads. We are looking for people/groups that would be interested in sponsoring a dumpster load.
If anyone is interested in doing this, please contact me via email at: . Thanks