Joel Cabot on Power Outage on the Hill
Eric S. Huffstutler on What is up with the Church Hill Post Office?
Eric S. Huffstutler on What is up with the Church Hill Post Office?
Yvette Cannon on What is up with the Church Hill Post Office?
crd on Power Outage on the Hill
What’s next for Greater Fulton?
02/09/2016 9:05 AM by John M
A series of public meetings on the future of Fulton have been announced:
What’s next for Greater Fulton?
What do you love most about living in Greater Fulton? How could Greater Fulton be better connected to the City of Richmond, Henrico and the River? What should Greater Fulton look like in five years? Please join us this spring for three community-centered meetings, held at Fulton Hill Studios, to talk about these questions and help shape future development in Greater Fulton. Stone Brewery, the Virginia Capital Trail and the Pulse BRT are just some of the recent and future developments reshaping the Greater Fulton community. So what’s next for Greater Fulton?
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Please note, This is a VCU graduate student class. Not officially sponsored by the city. The idea for this studio course came out of the Stone Advisory Council.
How about a supermarket?
Ziti, I just suggested that on the Triple Crossing post!! I agree!!
@#3 & #4. I’m in Fulton, and I would also love a super market closer to home. But until the city offers a financial/tax incentive or a private entity has the will and wherewithal to make it happen, we’re not going to see one. The commercial triangle in Fulton is a prime location for a supermarket, yet our ‘best’ options there currently are three convenience stores