There is a bad sound at Chimborazo Elementary
From Kevin:
Wondering what is up with the noise at Chimborazo Elementary. It sounds like a cross between a home alarm system and a car that won’t start. It’s been going on for a few weeks now and can be heard from blocks away for an hour or more at a time. It seems to be coming from what looks like an HVAC unit on the roof and I would guess is tied to their cooling system. There a little video attached.
Does anyone have any other info on this?
We live two blocks away and can hear it clearly and can only imagine how annoying it must be for those that live closer or the kids and staff at the school! Anything we can do to help get the problem fixed? Noise complaint? Letter to someone? I would have thought maintenance would have fixed the problem by now as I can only imagine whatever is going on is detrimental to equipment life and energy efficiency.
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I’ve been wondering about this too!! We’re only a couple blocks from the school and I always think it’s screeching tires until I realize its lasted way too long!
Sounds like one of the compressors in an ac unit has gone bad.
They have had the same noise since at least 2014. Back then it only lasted a few seconds every hour or so.
The AC unit was making that noise already in 2014 / 15 when we lived close by.
I live right across the street and that noise wakes me up several times a night. I had just started looking up contact info for someone at the school to reach out to when I saw this post. I have lived in my house for 7 years and unfortunately this happens about once a year and drags on for some time. Each year/time the noise is slightly different. Anyone know the best person to contact?
I think that’s what it usually is. We heard this same sound last spring.
We used to live across the street, their had system has been making that sound for years! We got used to it same as the sound from the trains. 🙁
Yes it seems to have gotten worse over the past two weeks. My guess is air compressor or blower bearings of some sort.
The sound reminds me of a loose belt in a car. It only happens on days when the air conditioning would be on, so I bet the belt is in the HVAC equipment. Last year it sounded like a brief peel-out every 10-20 minutes or so, but now it runs much longer. Hopefully Richmond Schools will send a repair guy? Eventually the unit will fail to work at all.
It’s like living in the Walking Dead theme music, all night. Every 15 minutes…
The bearings on the AC Condenser are going bad. We should report it as a sound disturbance to the cops as we can hear it more than 50 FT away….or just shut off the power at night when the place shuts down….
Ryan, you’re not the only one to hear it!
Someone neefs to call principal and school board, imagine what it sounds like inside school.
It’s been like this for about 20 years. It’s the AC which they run all summer, even when no one is in the building. I live across the street. It’s deafening.
It’s been going on for months….even years?
Damn, whole bunch of patient and tolerant people around here!
Raise Hell with your electeds! Call the media! You don’t have to take this crap!
A lot of people complaining but no one is offering to try and find out what the problem is, or how to rectify it since it is affecting quality of life for many locals?
School phone number: (804) 780-8392 (David T. Peck, Principal)
Richmond Public Schools Facility Services: (804) 780-6112
What? Who the hell would put up with this for years? After a week I woulda busted in and unplugged it or something, outta here with that nonsense
I just moved into a house just a block away and so far this annoying sound has woken me up every night.
Does anybody have an email address I could write to? I’m not english native so, many times I have trouble understanding people on the phone.
I need to do something about it though, or I will start to regret moving into this neighborhood very soon!
You might want to talk to our School Board member Nadine Marsh Carter.
Don’t know her email or phone but she lives at the big brick house 3211 Q St.