
Nonprofits find a new home on 25th Street

05/25/2017 8:03 AM by

With a shifting set of tenants of over the past 15 years, the building at 1111 North 25th Street has proven to be a neat marker of what’s up on 25th Street.

My earliest knowledge of the building was as a bakery, at the tail end of a 30+ year run as Tasty Bake. The spot housed internet gambling for a hot minute, then a sort of thift store for a good while.

Ed Trask painted the mural on the side as part of the Better Block weekend in 2014.

Steven & Katherine Markel purchased the property at the end of 2015, part of their larger commitment to renewal at 25th Street and Nine Mile Road.

Last year, the commercial space downstairs was temporarily a Jack Berry for Mayor outpost.

In recent months, though, the has become the home to four neat nonprofits: Fit4Kids, Urban Hope, the Maggie Walker Community Land Trust, and Richmond City Safe Routes to School.



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