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Eric S. Huffstutler on What is up with the Church Hill Post Office?
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New apartment building planned for Main Street near Millie’s
06/01/2017 3:43 PM by John M
Carol Hazard has a piece on a new apartment building planned for Main Street:
Developers plan to build a six-story apartment building with 216 units on a parking lot west of Millie’s Diner on East Main Street along Richmond’s Tobacco Row.
The sixth floor will be set back from the front facade of the building, so it won’t be as visible from the street/pedestrian level, said Charles Macfarlane, who is developing the site with Sam McDonald, an owner and partner on the project.
Like we need more of them.
This is "Pear Street" reincarnated. Guess you don’t really need 16 stories!
I love how it blends so well with the old warehouse and row house architecture.
More tax revenue is a good thing.
Ah geez.
Less parking options for Millie’s guests.
#4 Residential property is a tax burden
are they going to put a decent grocery store in the bottom level? right…
#7 wrong. Dense, multistory one- and two- bedroom apartments are a major real estate tax generator because the market for the apartments is to childless singles/couples/empty-nesters. This type of development generates far more taxes than it uses/causes services. This project in particular does even more if it is new construction with no tax credit or tax abatement.
This is 101 level stuff. Small apartments = major direct tax revenue.
Single family residential sprawl is the tax burden; large-lot sprawl is where school expenses, water/sewer expenses and road expenses outweigh the direct taxes generated.
Virginians cry about anything. The same reason we don’t have major league sports teams here. If you don’t like what’s happening then move to another state! A lot of us are tired of having to drive to Delaware to gamble, D.C. to club (dance) and DC to watch major league sports. All that money could be staying right here on VA!!
Omg please tell me there will be ample parking!? Not on main st preferably
If you don’t want growth. Please move to new kent, powhatan etc. I’m so tired of this keep Richmond empty crap. Cities don’t work when they are empty like Richmond is now. We need thousands more apartments.
If you don’t like what’s happening stay right here and fight it. Put forth your vision. No person owns this city there’s room for many viewpoints. Stop crying about what you can’t do here. Create the Richmond you want and see what happens, Others may follow your lead.
@13 Sorry, but you have poor vision. Richmond is like the only well known city after the civil war that failed to grow beyond a few hundred thousand people. Look at the other cities that burned to the ground. Specifically Atlanta, Gerorgia , Washington DC, Baltimore, MD hell even Miami was completely farmland before it become what is today. There is NO reason why Richmond should not be able to attract some of those high tech jobs in northern VA and lure them to the city! Richmond is prime location. Who would not drive 1 hour in either direction to watch a major league sport team? People drive from Norfolk to Bmore all the time just to go to the zoo and aquarium to see sharks because Norfolk (naticus) and Richmond can’t get there act together. If you asked me, Norfolk and Portsmouth should combine and be called the city of Port Norfolk and major growth should happen on both sides of the waterfront downtown. Chesapeake, Suffolk, Virginia Beach should all combine and just be called the city of VA Beach. Newportnews and Hampton should combine and be called city of New Hampton. It’s so stupid to have 7 cities competing together, what a waste of resources and money. And atleast All of henrico should be annexed with Richmond
#14, have to drive to DC to ‘club’? boo-hoo. Hope you have a designated driver for the return trip.
Hey, why not buy “Have A Nice Day Cafe” and reopen it, you can club here. Just be sure to google it 1st to find out why it’s not a club anymore.
and let me know how you get on annexing Henrico county into the city.
Hi J – I would suggest you maybe check out what Richmond has to offer? My sports friends follow NASCAR or their college teams (which are based in Virginia). We have an AMAZING art scene here: First Fridays, Inlight Richmond, the VMFA (which gets new exhibits all the time), the Richmond ballet, VCU art and dance events, new building murals all the time. On the drinking/going out scene – so many amazing local breweries and restaurants. If you’re into history – awesome house tours, the Valentine, the American Civil War center, the Capitol. And this town must have more street festivals per capita than anywhere else in the USA. Lots of pretty hiking and river stuff to do, too. How on earth could you ever be bored here?
Wow Shadow – you just reinforced why I love living in the city of Richmond!! Thank you!!
As re parking, projects like this are the precise ambition of Pulse. Though oddly this joint is doing 1:1 underground parking which will be profoundly expensive but whatev. That aside, yes, it will be difficult to park right next to Millie’s. Park at Main Street Station and walk or take Pulse. I’d much more rather yield the street level to mercantile and pedestrian activity than parked cars.