Have a question about a renovation or rehab project in one of Richmond’s Old and Historic Districts?
From Christina:
Are you a new or existing homeowner in a Designated Old and Historic District in the area? Do you have a question about a renovation or rehabilitation project on your property? Are you planning a demolition or new construction project? If so, keep reading!
In an effort to provide a resource to the community, I’ve started an “AskCAR” column in the Church Hill newsletter. If you don’t know already, CAR or the Commission on Architectural Review is the City’s official historic preservation body and helps to preserve the unique qualities of these designated districts. Since there are four of these districts in this area (St. John’s, Chimborazo, Union Hill, Church Hill North) chances are that if you are a homeowner you will have or have had a renovation/maintenance or new construction project that would require input from CAR.
This column is aimed at providing clarity and understanding of a process that at times may seem daunting or frustrating. Marianne Pitts, Secretary of the Planning and Preservation Department in the City of Richmond Department of Planning and Development Review has kindly agreed to assist me in answering the questions that I receive from the readership.
In order for this to work, I need your questions! Send them to with AskCAR in the subject line.
Cool. Maybe CHPN could add a CAR or architecture tab for this info.
I am sure John M. will add a tag to the first post that will be repeated and will bring up all related posts.
I am all for the Q&A since there seems to be plenty of people, new and old, who either don’t know about the CAR or don’t care… when they actually should – as part of their being responsible resident in a historic neighborhood – living in 19th and turn of 20th century houses.
Keep in mind that the City of Richmond CAR, has their own designated O&H (Old and Historic) districts and boundaries that do not exactly match those registered with the National Parks’ Service for the National Historic Registry of our neighborhoods. The CAR has no jurisdiction over the DHR (Department of Historic Resources) district overflow or doughnut holes where boundaries do not always butt together.
@2 Would you please provide an example or two of where the City historic districts do not match up with the state ones? Thanks.
See “maps” on each of these –
Church Hill North – shows both here
Chimborazo – city district isn’t shown, but is much smaller